Auteur/autrice : mendelsohn amit

The death of the French economy

Yesterday I watched and listened to Mr. Bernard Thibault announcing his ridiculous agenda and refusing to answer the real question: “who will pay for this ?”. I thought to myself that Mr. Thibault is either a crook,...

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Banks and the free market

The biggest lie of the capitalism and liberal market supporter is that banks are working in a free market. With this lie they justified huge salaries as well as scandalous bonuses.   Banks are not working in a...

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Continuing daylight robbery

Something is stinking in the business of printers and ink cartridges, its not new but its still a daylight robbery, that courts support on the back of the consumers.  HP Photosmart printer cost in FNAC 79 Euro the...

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Hadopi and violation of privacy

There is no doubt that the new Hadopi law is a violation of the citizen rights. A group of people has been given the right to track the users activity and its content. Despite all these explanation there is no other way to...

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