he distorted facts straighten – the Tugly truth

In the past 5 days I so many people lied and ignored truth, distorted history and redefinedthe word peace that its about time to put things in order, from allfronts: historical, political, logical and the current affairs.


The futile attempt toremove the Israeli blockade on Gaza opened up a Pandora box, exposedthe faces of the extreme left those that call themselves “peaceactivists”showed exactly how a famous writer can be ignorant as anyother imbeciles. You may want to comment this article but you betterfirst read it all the way to the end, you may find your questionsanswered there: Lets put facts about the Israeli-Palestinian /Jewish-Muslim conflicts on the table rather then beliefs.  

The futile attempt to remove the Israeli blockade on Gaza opened up a Pandora box, exposed the faces of the extreme left those that call themselves “peace activists”showed exactly how a famous writer can be ignorant as any other imbeciles. You may want to comment this article but you better first read it all the way to the end, you may find your questions answered there: Lets put facts about the Israeli-Palestinian / Jewish-Muslim conflicts on the table rather then beliefs. History The name of the land was always Israel ! The name Palestine was given to the area by the Roman after they succeeded (not without a lot of efforts) to finally conquer the country and send all it’s inhabitant (the Jews) to exile. The purpose was to eliminate all the reminders of the Jewish state. Obviously it didn’t work. Jerusalem was the capital of the Jews 1700 years before the Islam existed. It was never mentioned in the Korean because the Islam had nothing to do with Jerusalem. The legends appeared later in order to provide the Muslims Excuse to conquer Jerusalem. The Islam was created in the 7th century and one of the first (if not the first) victims of Mohammad were the Jews of Medina that refused to become Muslims, Since this butchery and before it Jews were butchered all over the world in many occasions and in almost every country especially in Europe. In 1947 The UN decided to divide the land to Two countries: Israel and Palestine. The Jews ( the remainder of the European Jewry after the 2nd world war) were dancing in the streets, they accepted the division plan. The Palestinian however supported by legions from 7 Arab countries started a war, assuming the Jews are too weak to handle such a mass. Wrong assumption ! The result was what the Palestinian call the Nacba (The Disaster), Israel won. Unlike what everyone want you to believe most of them ran away fearing they will be killed by the Jews, Yes indeed some of them were expelled from their home, however this is the right of any country to get rid of dangerous inside elements but again they were not the majority. Surprisingly most of the Palestinian territories after this war ended up in the hands of… Jordan (west bank and Samaria ) and Egypt (The Gaza strip). During this time both the Jordanian and the Egyptian kept the Palestinians in refugee camps ! In 1967 Israel won again yet another war and conquer these areas as well and re-united Jerusalem after 3000 years. Current History I have heard plenty of people saying that Gaza is occupied. Gaza is not occupied there is not even a single Israeli soldier in Gaza and it was left for the Palestinian in 2005, a decision that caused a huge and violent debate inside Israel. The Hamas which is considered by all the western countries as a terrorist movement was elected by the Palestinian in 2006 and rules Gaza. The Hamas is responsible for 8000 missiles that were shot on Israeli civilian population for 8 years with no serious respond. Until last year… Israel finally decided to attack Gaza after Gilad Shalit an Israeli soldier was kidnapped by the Hamas militant from the Israeli side of the boarder, this was a chance to finish the missiles shooting. This war like any other war was nasty and many innocent people were killed. Why ? Because Hamas militants were shooting missiles from highly populated civilian targets, forcing the Israeli army to bomb there. The war was over after international pressure, not for the first time. The world claim Israel used an un-proportional power. Of course Israel used an disproportional power, this is the only way to end conflicts. The allies used an disproportional power bombing civilian in Germany to finish the 2nd world war in Europe. The American ended the Pacific front fighting with 2 Atom bombs on Japan. Yet Israel is not allowed to finish its conflicts. Israel said more then once that it will talk to the Hamas in one little condition: That the Hamas will recognize Israel right to exist. The Hamas REFUSED. How do you negotiate with someone that insist you should be dead ? The Blockade on the Gaza strip does not prevent humanitarian aid and Israel itself is delivering weekly thousand of tons of aid to Gaza. The blockade was meant to prevent arms and tools to build weapons. Furthermore The Egyptian side of the boarder is also sealed, there is nither lack of food in Gaza nor candies it just cost a lot. Why ? The Hamas personnel “investing” in the smuggling tunnels and control the market, taking a huge share to their private pocket. Israel is the one that provided the Gazan electricity and water. The wall in Jerusalem was built to stop the easy access of terrorists. As a result the amount of suicide bombing reduced to 0, yes no more dead Jews in restaurants, buses, and coffee shops. Of course the poor Palestinians with the help of the world are crying again, do they want the good of the Palestinians ? Of do they simply like to see more dead Jews ? Hypocrisy and lies Here are sentences I have heard in the past years that are pure hypocrisy: 1.“The Hamas is allowed to shoot missiles because Israel has tanks and helicopters” – But the world try to prevent Israel from using their tanks and helicopters, should Israel throw stones ? 2.Israel killed more then 1000 people and only 13 died – So its allowed to kill 13 Jews ? Or is it allowed to kill 13 Jews and 13 Palestinians ? 3.“The Palestinians are starving in Gaza” – no the Palestinians are not starving in Gaza, In Darfur people are starving in India people are starving, in Gaza nobody died of starvation, despite all this Gaza receiving more financial aids then any disaster area in the world most of this aid goes either to Arm the Hamas or to the private pockets of Hamas officials. 4.“They need freedom” – fine with me, they can go anywhere they want within their boundaries, if the Egyptian will let them access Egypt (and they don’t) its ok with Israel as well. However they are not welcome in Israel as they tend to explode in public places or go back to Gaza with a soldier or two. 5.“8000 missiles but only 13 people died” – yes only 13 people died, because Israel has shelter everywhere, in every house every building every garden. Every house is supposed to be built (by law) with a defended room, every person in Israel has a gas mask. Israel has an alarm system. Israel invest huge amount of money and efforts to passively defend its citizen. The Israeli army is not shooting from Sderot. But this poor little town was hit by thousand of missiles, thank to this expensive defense system only 13 people died 6.“I worry for the Palestinian kids” – its not the job of the European leftist to care for the Palestinian children its the job of their parents, their government. But if you insist how about care for the Israeli children also, or are they dispensable ? 7.“Israel should be more human” – Why should Israel be more human ? Did it ever helped ? No, it never did. It just got many Israeli killed. Unfortunately any sign of humanity is understood in the other side as weakness and they never learn. But there comes a point when you should stop playing this Humanitarian game because it kills you. Why Criticizing Israel is antisemitic ism All the demands from Israel, covered with the lovely definition “Criticism”, Caused and will cause the death of Israeli citizens. Criticizing the wall is like saying “they need to be free to kill you” criticizing the blockade is like saying “they have the right to smuggle arm and shoot at you”. Israel is in a state of war, it cannot even trust the peace treaties signed with his neighbors (The Egyptian prime minister defined Israel few months ago as “The Enemy”. Israel is a tiny little country surrounded by enemies all Muslims and deadly. Criticizing Israel for defending itself its pure antisemitic ism even if it comes from the mouth of a Jewish intellectual living comfortably in London or Paris. The Fotilla Facts you simply ignore: 1.The MV Marmara was sponsored by the IHH – Fanatic Turkish Islamic organization with proved ties to international terror groups. 2.Israel has all the legal rights to board the Marmara as according to the international law if a military siege has been declared the international water means nothing and the besieger is allowed to stop any ship that try to break it before it reached its destination. 3.The Soldiers the boarded the Marmara has been attacked and the pictures are available everywhere. The soldiers were equipped with PAINTBALL guns. They were attacked brutally and 3 of them were kidnapped. 4.The soldiers has to use their personal pistols so save themselves and their friends. 5.All the dead attackers were from some reason, Islamic fundamentalists, 4 of them came there to be martyred. 6.There are claims that one aggressor was shot 4 times in the head (no proof yet). It can’t be from a single gun because in a fight no soldier will waste time for another shot, and no single shooter can hit 4 times in a row in matters of milliseconds in a single head (not even Clint Eastwood). Few words about the famous Swedish crime writer Menning Mankell Mr Mankell said in a press conference that the soldier came to kill. As a crime writer I expect him to make the difference between a paint-ball gun and a machine gun (hint: they no longer make machine guns with the cartridge on top). Do you really believe that a trained soldier is being sent to kill with a paint-ball gun ? Do you really believe that if the Israeli soldiers came there to kill, you would still be giving press conference ? And anyway if Israel wanted you dead why bothering and boarding the ship ? A little torpedo would have end this issue faster and with a lot less Israeli victims. Paranoia and nuclear weapon Jews are paranoids, and Israelis are Jewish. Can you blame them ? They were exiled twice, butchered for 2 millenniums by almost everyone. The countries they lived in Never provided them with the defense in many cases the butchery was managed, organized or supported by the governments. And you are surprised that now in the middle of a hostile environment we do not believe Mr. Sarkozi ? That we don’t trust President Obama. When we came back to Israel we swore two things: 1.to remember and never to forget – the holocaust 2.Never again – We will never fall again now you understand why does Israel need nuclear weapon ? Insurance policy ! You see Jews trusted the world for too long. Never again ! We have the power to make sure the state of Israel will be part of the world terrifying thought, isn’t it ? Sorry you proved untrustworthy for too long and it cost us too many lives. We have hundreds of millions of enemies around us with no support, You however choose to bring them to your countries and welcome them with open arms and see them bashing your culture and your peaceful life, thats your problems, do not put your problems on us, we have enough of our own.

2 réflexions sur « he distorted facts straighten – the Tugly truth »

  1. [img]http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/userpics/10001/thumbdown-smiley.gif[/img] Écrit en mauvais anglais cet article n’est autre qu’une diatribe peu cohérente qui est si approximative qu’il dessert la cause Israelienne qu’elle est censée soutenir. « Tugly, » le « Korean » « Sarkozi » « Fotilla » et j’en passe…
    Vous prétendez que les activistes pro-Palestiniens auraient été tués par les carabines à [i]paint-ball ?[/i]
    À moins que ça soit moi qui n’ais rien compris…C’est peut-être satirique ? Second degré ?

  2. thats true but if you will look carefully you will see that the name of the file is
    the-distorted-facts-straighten-the-ugly-truth-336599 therefore someone edited it ! i never wrote Tugly and the first part words are connected… thats not how it is in the original
    Carabines ??????????? have you any idea how many years nobody use carabines ????????? in israel they are out of service 50 years. and yes the soldiers had paint-balls guns AND pistols in their belt but they used the paint-ball guns until they got attacked.
    you can watch the videos everywhere i don’t blame you for not understanding the article was published with no paragraphs its impossible to read it this way. but if you still write a comment READ first. the Turkish was killed with pistols (the only defence weapon the soldiers had) and they had to draw the pistols because they were attacked (you don not intent to ignore this fact i hope) untill then they used Paint-ball guns !

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