The death of the French economy

Yesterday I watched and listened to Mr. Bernard Thibault announcing his ridiculous agenda and refusing to answer the real question: “who will pay for this ?”.
I thought to myself that Mr. Thibault is either a crook, or understand nothing about economy. His vision means the destruction of the whole French economy. 

Tomorrow Mr. Thibailt would like you all to strike in a demand for what ? Salaries increase, more jobs and keep the pension age at 60. Beautiful dream indeed but a stupid one all the same. Rule number 1 in economy: “Government has no money !” the public is paying for this. So in order to pay for more needless jobs increase the salaries (of the functionaires of course) someone will have to pay for it, The public ! Either by cutting essential services (medical, social, education, transportation etc…) or by increasing the income tax rates. So the people get more money just to pay it back to the government ? More jobs ? Yesterday I stood one and a half hour in a line and in the end I got a number and a permission to stand another one and a half hour in another line just to get a paper to fill and comeback to stand another one and a half hour in a third line. With no hesitation I can easily say that 2/3 of the public service is needless and useless. Two third of the this public service is eating the government budget, making the public life harder, and Mr. Thibault want to increase it ? But the biggest problem is the pension age, on this issue the French economy will live or die. The average French is growing old the average life span of a French citizen is getting longer. So less and less people work and pay taxes and more and more people enjoy their pension for a longer period, and this situation is just, naturally, getting worse. Here come the second rule in economy “government budget has to be balanced (or closed to balanced at least)” how can the government keep the budget balanced if less people pay taxes and more people are enjoying pensions (which they also want to increase, naturally). The government cannot print money, as printing money will reduce its value and with lower value you can buy less. So the government goes into deficit. France has already one of the biggest deficit in Europe, and much bigger then Greece !! This deficit is growing by the years. The only solution to reduce this deficit is increase the retirement age, and demographically its totally logical, if people live longer they can work longer. One of Greece biggest problem was a very young retirement age (57) and very small working hours. France is not much different. 60 is a too young age for retirement, and when the workers work only 35 hours a week where in every normal country the weekly working hours are 5-10 a week more, the French actually manufacture less, and are being gifted also in a young age retirement. France cannot afford this anymore, not with the huge deficit it has. Now lets see what will happen if this situation will remain: 1.The deficit will grow until the government cannot pay its debts. Inflation will grow, money will be printed and its value will be reduced. People will retire in the age of 60 but will find that their pension worth nothing. 2.The government will need to increase taxes considerably, people will earn less and will not be able to fund their basic needs, people will be thrown out of their houses. 3.The government will need a bail out. Who can bail out a country like France ? Nobody ! And once the French government will go bankrupt, Germany will quit the Euro zone, why ? Because the German economy is the only healthy economy in Europe and there is no reason it will carry Bernard Thibault and people like him (the French unionists) on their back. Now you must remember that a country is not a factory, it cannot be shut down or be taken over, so people will start starving until a leader with balls will have enough power and brain make the changes needed: cutting the civil service, increasing the age of retirement and eventually reducing the salaries. Life will be hard for many years, but the country may recover. Doing these now means saving France from a disaster. Tomorrow when you are going down the streets to protest remember these details. Because the future of France is up to you, you can kick Thibault out but remember: I am not a Sarkozist but electing Martin Aubry in 2012 will just bring the same disaster ! She was the one that responsible for the worst decisions in the history of the French economy and if you will elect her she will be the one that will bury it, if she will be elected, as she declare the same declaration as Bernard Thibault.

7 réflexions sur « The death of the French economy »

  1. Amitm123 dear friend
    You have the good thinking I ever heard on french retirement policy. Mme Aubry and her 35hours working a week is a fake it did not increase industry to get more people working but increase the use of job of small duration and supplementary hours. The Mitterand decision of 60 y as age of retirement is as silly as the first one. I works in ministry and so I can only said yes when you talk of the ardor in working of functionaries; Few days ago i was at tax office for a paper I needed for finishing my divorce papers, I waited 2 hours to be said I was at the wrong place because them works only on the industry not persons. I lost an afternoon for an information who can be given when coming in. You are right functionaries are the death of a nation but more the workers representatives are as bad because they don’t represent anything nor anybody(12% of votes at last election).
    So what to do: for me the way is in the middle of the 2 plans socialists and government, they have goods things in both so what I see is to mix the 2 and try to go on like that.
    What do y think of that? and sure cutting government expense beginning by getting down salary of the ministers and retired one as the former President.

  2. well my friend, right now with Martin Aubry in the head of the socialist party i see only a disaster. I see a party with absolutely no grasp of basic economy and only populism. Two people can lead this party Delanue or Dominique Straus Khan the first has an idea about budget the second live in the economy and deeply involve in these issues. funny a friend of mine interviewed today Laurent Fabius which was the prime minister that was responsible for the retirement at the age of 60, and he said that they believed they could find the money to pay for it. This is an unbelievable remark from an educated person. If they really believed they could handled it that just shows you how the socialist are incapable of dealing with financial issues. It was obvious that it cannot be handled.

  3. But don’t you remember the glorious years of the fourth republic when the war minster was a man named MITERRAND and the way he conducted it and the losing of the war and DIEN BIEN Phu was his order He said to the general who was in command « you will stop the vietminh here » and on the map the finger was on DIEN BIEN Phu and as usual when wars are made by civilians we lost lot of good soldiers and the remaining ones were those whom revolted in 1961 in Algiers. Father was there and a spécial friend of mine, who was a young officer few time out of school and he was of the best Legion Etrangere Regiment (le Premier Etranger Parachutiste : 1er REP)The best one an army can have and they can’t understand why as they had won on orders the Algiers battle, they must lost the war (all what they did was on order of …the war minister and the police one too. They believed De Gaulle a army man like them……would understand but sometimes honor and truce are policy corrupted and the 1er REP was destroyed and all officers has military justice on them and all returned civilian. Of all those man all turned the page and do others jobs but in heart they were dead. My friend died 10years ago of heart failure and he is now happy with the friends mans of war.

  4. all i know my friend is that the public has not only short memory but also very short fuse. what you remember in pain people already forgot, what you know many people will never learn. what you fear people doesn’t even think about.

  5. [i] »ahhh veritas mon ami je t’attend !! « [/i]
    We are waiting so much different events !!!
    I am waiting Yechoua and Harmageddon !
    like [url][/url]

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