webTV provider and video hosting

Webtv providers are available everywhere, but can you really use their services, no its too expensive for most website owners, is there any justofication for that cost ? no there is no.

Video hosting is provided by YouTube to anyone for free, the problem is that once you uploaded your content to Youtube its no longer solely yours. So many website owners that looks for independency are searching for a webTV / Video hosting provider and discover that, they do not understand a word of what they are been told, the cost is huge, and details are being hidden from them.

As an Expert in the field i have been consulting to many of these providers and heard the definition "Profit Center" many times. The profit center is exactly where your pocket is and does not need to be there. One way of doing this is saying "we have a special unique video compression method" by saying this they will glue their customer to their service (that means they will convert/compress your content).

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