Excuse my English, but thats the only way I can say loudly that I am going to stay away from Fnac from now on.  Why ? because Fnac has the ability to decide how much money I will pay where and whe, and in addition they are messing with my Internet access.

Few days ago France went backward in time. Just few weeks after a Canadian research prooved that the Internet downloads not only didn't damange the sales of music it actually increased them. Few weeks after Warner Music owner admitted that they were stupid to fight their customers instead of changing their attitude. But France like a bull that is completely blinded by the red rag kept on straight to the trap of the middle ages.

I am not surprised by the politicians, they were never smart and the two ministresses thats  were celebrating the agreement probably do not know what the internet really means. FNAC is something else ! FNAC thats sells music (CDs), Music players (MP3), DVD, Computers and even the Medias wants to make sure they can make the maximum out of us the consumers. This whole step was led by FNACs CEO.

FNAC thats sells Music and Videos expensively and if you want to back your stuff up you will find that the cost of a DVDR is 6-10 times more then in most countries !

FNAC thats sells all kind of MP3 but make sure you can fill them only with the music you buy through them. FNAC that is controlling the market in France and makes enough money without going into the citizens pocket because no matter if we buy or download we are using some of FNACs stuff to do it.  

The truth is that I have no problem with the law, i do not mess with French copyrighted material as I don't speak good enough French, but I an annoyed to see that this whole beautiful internet infrastructure that is something really unique in the technologically primitive France will be useless simply because FNAC wants to make more money.

So forget about me, I can find anything FNAC sells cheaper without feeling an idiot !