France: The most stupid nation in the world

The French one on one are good people, nice, smart and even intelligent, as a nation they are the most stupid nation in the world and their ignorant is leading them to an ecomonical disaster.

Another strike is planned for June 17, one more strike one more blow to the French economy. One more achievement for Bernard Thibault the enemy number 1 of the french economy, the person that really rule France with the support of the people. 

What does the French want from their lives? To work minimum (35 hours a week), but to earn maximum. to retire early and be paid enough to live well after retirement. They want jobs but not too far from their home, they want reforms but they do not want the reforms to affect them, and of course They want to reduce taxes. 

The french want everything but without paying for this. They will fight globalization and patrol prices even though they are beyond them, but they will not go to work.

The French has no real ambition beyond the next meal and wine.

They want the right to strike ! and they strike so often that it will be very hard to repair the damage. The government is heading to the right direction however the public that support the unions and protest down the streets are mostely made of either adult from the former generation or stupid young new idealist. Most of the French simply keep quite instead of fighting these strike.

Wake up ! and take a look around you, nobody invest in France, even large corporations takes their money and run away. No investment mean no new  employment possibilities and that means no money coming in, no additional taxes paid, and therefore less social services. You are creating a country with no future and no wonder the young generation and the bright minds are leaving this country. Sooner or later you will find out that for good food and wine you have to pay also, and you do not have the money, because you wanted to be social cases rather then productive human being.

45 réflexions sur « France: The most stupid nation in the world »

  1. Tiens y a des anglois sur la fréquence???
    salut man.
    Ca gaz? I’m sorry ton texto,j’entrave que dalle,moi l’Europe,j’m’en tape.It’s ok???
    oh puis après tout encore un qui a du se gourer d’aiguillage.
    Allez bye,arrividerci,auf wiedersehen.
    C’est quoi ce foutoir???

  2. Apprend L,’anglais
    Learn English properly, and than shutup. Because what you’re saying isn’t making any sens.

  3. amitm123 : relis-toi avant de juger ! : « their ignorant is leading them to an ecomonical disaster. »
    I see your ignorance is great !!!!
    tu va voir le désastre aux US !!!! ecomonical , very comic !

  4. who’r u to judge
    Go home racist or become president and die at your 60yrs killed by a cat.And by the way ask your self what others could write about ur country, who da fuck cares what u think about us.

  5. dawn true! I’m French and i have to tell you: It’s absolutly facinating how you nail it down!

  6. So true… Well, in fact fortunately Bernard Thibault is’nt ruling the country, but just few fucktards…but still enough to put the mess around them. I’m french and one of my best wishes is to fly away…. You have forgotten a point, french people also want blind immigration, and of course, give all the social bullshits to immigrants too…. as if we were not already running out of cash…

  7. voici un article sur un site « français » ?????????????
    qui me laisse encore plus songeuse…. après que l’on m’est refusé un article au motif de « trop de fautes » alors qu’il n’y en avait AUCUNE !
    c’était un article sur un train mitraillé en 1940…..

    Yes ?

    Et comme dirait notre ami Réaction Pascal
    hasta la vista, baby….

    Que l’article soit publié en anglais, certe! Mais que diantre! la traduction dans la langue de Molière ne pourrait-elle figuré ??????????

    De plus en plus encourageant de publier sur C4N !!!!! de plus en plus désespérant !

  8. « Que l’article soit publié en anglais, certe! Mais que diantre! la traduction dans la langue de Molière ne pourrait-elle figuré ?????????? »

    You guys show that you are really Stupid people !!
    don’t you think that maybe just MAYBE in translation something may get lost in the way?
    and not all texts could be translated , WTF is wrong with you guys, Frensh people are stupid and that’s a given FACT, go study , and don’t just get an education !!
    Learn something!!

  9. Dear friends i am living here for 3 years now, i wrote this article more almost 20 months ago, and i still believe in what i wrote, actually i would have written a lot more facts today that prove the point !

  10. LOL about all comments,
    let’s all stay were whe are, don’t bother my country, i won’t bother yours,
    keep your insults at large.
    ps: how come a so clever man, knows so few about the country he is living in?

    A stupid french…
    by the way, please do impress me: learn french! (you clever one!)

  11. this is just stupid and ignorant as well. Check out debt levels all around the world, and feel sorry for being stupid. Compare the productivity of french workers to other nations and feel sorry for being ignorant.

  12. yes i speak french, i speak english i speak hebrew i understand italian and german and you ??? cant even read your own newspapers. yep great productivity the French worker have thats why all external investors ran away from france, yep 400 billion euro debt… excellant just the 4th in Europe and if the retirememt age would not have been change France would never be able to overcome this debt. you just show exactly what i am saying you rather bury your head in the sand then face the truth.
    BTW. speaking a language doesn’t mean i can write well in it.

  13. « France: The most stupid nation in the world »…
    je crois que vous etes mur pour faire votre …
    Aliyah …
    à Jerusalem coupé en 3 par le Nouvel Ordre Mondial,
    gouvernement mondial oblige !!!
    voir votre « frère » ATTALI.

  14. J’ai déjà pris des décisions, j’ai choisi la France, Je vous écris parce que sa me dérange. Je suis né en Israël et a été voir le monde. Si je n’aimais pas pour la France je ne serais pas à l’écrire. Qu’est-ce qui m’a le plus inquiété c’est la ignorancy et la tendance à avoind avancer à tout prix. même quand il s’agit de l’environnement, qui est cher tant pour les Français ils encore preffer de détruire toutes les forêts dans le monde et éviter la technologie et les papiers d’épargne. tout comme il ya 100-200 ans.

  15. prenez garde aux généralités , amitm …
    car à la limite , c’est stupide !
    avancer à tout prix… qu’est-ce qu’avancer ?
    tout est relatif (voir Einstein) !
    Avancer, pour se retrouver pris dans une nasse ?!!!
    N’oubliez pas Salomon: « Ce qui fût, SERA » !!!!

  16. i am happy to see you speak French now lets see you speak the international language…English or ANY OTHER
    ahhh and BTW i learned French and i m deaf (SOURD) lets see you learn English when you hear normally

  17. Nice!

    We all know that, France is too expensive to run! and we don’t sell enough, competition is tough and the world is also sick..! too much waste!
    Yes we do need ambitions, thats why the politics started their debates on ‘national identity’ (to me, this debate was an attempt to see like ‘yeah man what do we want? but again stupid low educated media of France blew it up!) which didn’t really succeeded i think.

    There was a France of the past, yes it was nice, perhaps, but it wasn’t my time, this era is over; today and tomorrow is more important!

    I’m astonished how people now start to understand about sovereign debt! and we now might loose our rating which will be really bad for the economy! less trust, less business, less income, less education, less lots of things and more issues! (poverty, criminality, social changes, etc.)

    So to me its – yes France please find back your guidance! what you want, then proceed! our industry is capable, their people can be wise enough, and i know they can find new breakthrough (either a new paradigm in social thinking or in technologies) and most of all France might lead the way as well! (which is one thing they really like haha…)

    Im an emigrant myself and live in France.

    « Avancer » means the meaning we want to put on it! its just a choice!

    Tchin tchin! 🙂

  18. France the most stupid country of the world? By which criteria? Which one makes north korea a better country than france, because i’m not sure to understand. I’m working in the usa for 6 months now, and about 1 person over 10 can actually locate France or sometimes even Europe on a map.

    All this article is based on very limited and pityful clichés, that it makes me laugh. Each one can be so easily unproofed. There are reasons why you are writing here and not as a journalist. Go in a pub, there might be some people interested by some of your ideas.

  19. I am a foreigner living in France for 6 months now and looking to invest in business and properties here. However after researching the laws in France, and after interacting with french people – I am quite hesitant to invest in France or even stay here any longer. Firstly, the laws for investors are ridiculous, for example labour laws in France make it almost impossible for a business to fire an employee unless you hire them on yearly contracts – and it’s not easy to find someone GOOD willing to work on a short term contract. French are inherently very lazy people, and very into their own world of art, food, wine and cheese – over the years these people have gotten extremely lazy and I blame the period of economic growth they saw after world war 2 as well as the social benefits french government started paying here – this has made the french people very « soft » and not at all enthusiastic as they were at one point in time… when France was a leading world power and lot of innovation, inventions were created in France. The French also think they have achieved some sort of « perfection » and don’t need to work too much anymore – in a way yes France is quite well established in the world so far – at least when it comes to tourism everyone wants to visit France. But besides a few strong sectors – the rest of their economy is in deep trouble, the people’s attitudes are very soft towards the troubled economic situation. Also what they dont realize is that there are other countries developing very fast that will leave France behind if they don’t change and progress along with the rest of the world. Anyway – French are not so bad people, but they can be quite selfish, weird and individualistic, surprisingly they are also one of the most depressed people in the world, France has the highest consumption of anti-depressant pills in the world…and suicide rates are also up on the top. I think France is a good country to spend 6 months of your life if you have the money to do it… soak up the culture… enjoy the food etc…but investing in
    France is a major headache, the system is so tough that it’s against you even if you want to invest and do something good. They need to ease regulations and progress like UK if they want to attract more investment otherwise they will end up being a dusty museum that after a point everyone will get bored of….there is only so much french art and history they can sell…at some point it will be of no interest to others.France desperately needs to wake up!!!!

  20. هذا هو مجموعة من العيوب التي لا تتمكن من الكتابة في لغتهم! يجب أن يكون والقروح الجديدة؟

  21. ומה לגבי ישראל?
    העולם של גזענית ביותר קולוניאליסטית ביותר בעולם!

  22. מסכים איתך, לצערי, גזענית, נוטה לכיוון פשיזם, לא רק כלפי ערבים גם כלפי תושביה היא, שלטון מושחת וטיפש… זה לא משנה את העובדה שהצרפתים הם עם לא חכם

  23. Investisseur2011 – well investing in France is dangerous, manpower is extremely expensive and not productive enough, technology won’t help as French are technophobic. Taxes are high, and cost of leaving is higher then most Europe. I am 5 years here. i have seen the crisis eating companies but i know quite a lot of them could be saved if they were not insisting on « traditional » work. same thing for the government, they could cut 4 billion euro of their budget if they will only adopt basic technology… but no chance

  24. ומה לגבי ישראל?
    ישראל ייכנס האזור של סכנות: חלק אנשים שלו ייעלם.

  25. Wall Street so stupid !!!
    l’Amérique est dans le même état de dévastation
    qu’un champ jonché de cadavres après la bataille
    tandis que son commandement en chef a traversé
    la guerre (la crise) indemne.
    Wall Street contemple les ravages de la crise
    du haut de son balcon en ne se préoccupant que
    de ses bonus de fins d’années et pas du tout de
    l’état de l’économie réelle.
    Newsweek, Michael Thomas :
    The Big Lie
    Dec 26, 2011
    Wall Street has destroyed the wonder that was America.

  26. La preuve : Copé assassine Wauquiez et son protectionnisme moderne !

  27. [b]Historically, except for a few oil-exporting economies, no country has ever become rich without industrializing! poor France ![/b]

  28. le darwinisme économique portée au pinnacle
    avec le prix Nobel de Milton Friedmann :
    passible du tribunal pénal international ,
    car autorisant les voyous à racketter !

  29. [b]@Investisseur2011,
    register on C4N so we can communicate with you on private messaging[/b]
    [b]la France n’est pas si foutue que ça![/b]

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