I have been watching closely the election (both presidential and municipal) I am following the outcome and the development often, but I still can't understand what the hell does the French want.
The municipal election is behind us. Only 9 month after the French did a big step toward the world and elected a president with a wide view, they seems to regress again to the basic conservative attitude that makes France such an old and failing country.
Ok so you wanted to punish Sarkozy, but punish him for what ? For trying torun some reforms that are obviously a must ? or are you punishing him because he is too slow in this progress ? These reforms are a must ! without them France has no chance, the economy will keep on regressing, young people will keep on running away to find a better place and the system will always be controlled by the unions.
However due to the traditionalist, the anti-globalists, the unions and other blind people it will, unfortunatelly take more then 9 months (It took Margaret Tatcher 10 years, and look where is England today).
Is it his style ? does he really have to kiss cows in the agriculture fair ? You are supposed to be satisfied that for once you have a president that do something rather then get fat or simply enjoy doing nothing like his formers. Sarkozy has the right idea he is probably the only one that can bring France back to the world rather then let it sink in the muddy water of conservativism.
Maybe its his private life ? nah, The French citizens cannot be that stupid. Yes he is not the classy type, and his private life is a mes, but are his alternative
Segolene Royal and her who know ex-what Francois Holland are better ?
Do you really believe that the socialist will bring you the reforms you need ? When and where did any socialist party did any good ? Don't you understand that France is the last communist economy in the world ? Don't you understand that with the socialists you are all bound to be with less and less "pouvoir d'achat". Give the man time to work, support him, like the English did to the most hatered woman in their modern history, but she did the job, and so will Sarkozy
thank you, it is so good to read something like that!! I was so happy when Sarkozy got elected. Finally things could change. But today I am scared again that the french won’t be able to change!!
We all should be worried
We should be worried because if the change will not take place France is lost. Old lack of ambition, and afraid of a change.
And the Usa are lost, because they think that economy is like at Las Vegas !!!!
If you come to bring us these reforms, you can remain at home !!!! And keep your
poison !!!!
The USA are the poisener of the world (example : Monsanto).
The is something between
Thats the biggest problem of the French ! they think that if its not France in USA. There is a lot in between (Germany, Uk maybe ???) why USA as an example.
Not to mention that even in the current crisis the American « Pouvoir D’achat » is much stronger then the Average French citizen.
Et les Etats -Unis sont perdus, parcequ’ils considèrent l’économie comme un jeu !
Et si vous êtes venus pour nous apporter ces réformes , vous pouvez rester chez vous!!!! Et gardez votre poison !!!!
Les USA sont les empoisonneurs du monde (example: Monsanto!!!!!)
And the Usa are lost, because they think that economy is like at Las Vegas !!!!
If you come to bring us these reforms, you can remain at home !!!! And keep your
poison !!!!
The USA are the poisener of the world (example : Monsanto).
USA is not the subject
USA is NOT the subject here and Its also not an example. France is ! you must stop comparing France to the USA all the time and try to compare it to its neighbours (Germany, UK, Netherlands). USA economy is Unique and VERY problematic.
You are right ! USA economy is Unique and VERY problematic. AND THEY POLLUTE ALL THE WORLD !!! with: GOLD, INIQUITY AND PRIDE ! THEY SHALL DISAPPEAR. Do you know the book of David Wilkerson : « America’s last call » ?
Generaly I agree
Generally I tend to agree with you, the human being became a slave to the money and have no right to live if he/she doesn’t have any. Even in the streets they do not allow them to sleep. New York alone has 500,000 homeless. France however took the complete opposite and this is a different problem. People doesn’t bother to work, they have comfortable life but no future.
the future of mankind is in Jesus-Christ !!! But I agree, the close future is very dark, with the pollution of the earth, the sins more and more greater. all that drives
to Anti-Christ !
Nice article! One of your first on a political issue I think? Obviously, the president needs more time to bring to fruition all his reforms, but the French must be patient and lenient. All the scandals of his private life may not be good reasons to judge him, we have to judge him for his political decisions (which aren’t that bad according to me).Let’s just give him a chance. If Sarko succeeds to overcome the regression caused by traditionalists, anti-globalists and the unions (like Thatcher did) maybe one day we’ll call him the «Iron President» ? Who knows?
this is exactly what we need to do
We need patience and open mind, we need to understand that for the first time in the history of France they have a president that has the right ideas. Anti globalists are stupid as they forget that globalism is a double way door and instead of being afraid to be conquered they have to think the can conquer.
Yes the French need patience and open mind, their president may have a problem with his private life but he will get over this. right now he is the only one that can bring France to what it was and to where it should be.
quelle horreur ! « we’ll call him the «Iron President» : quoi? Staline ???????
Vautier, quand une personne est appelée à diriger un pays qui s’enfonce constamment, il lui faut parfois prendre des décisions qui ne feront pas l’unanimité. De toutes façons c’est impossible de plaire à tous. Trop de démocratie tue la démocratie…
Thatcher (la dame de fer) a pris ses responsabilités en tant que Chef d’État pour mener à bien les réformes que l’Angleterre avait besoin. Aujourd’hui d’aucun ose lui en tenir rigueur. (l’Angleterre dépasse la France à plusieurs points de vue; ce qui était loin d’être le cas avant 1979). Même chose pour Alistair Darling, dit le «Chancelier de fer», du moins jusqu’à ce qu’il ne cède aux pressions de nationaliser la Northern Rock. Ces gens se sont illustrés et mérités leur attribut «de fer» non pas parce qu’ils étaient des despotes à la Staline, mais de véritables meneurs allant au bout de leur convictions. C’est en ce sens que je parlais de «Iron president». Mais remarquez que les peuples sont quand même libres d’élire un lion ou un mouton à leur tête.
La France a le choix de poursuivre son enlisement dans des politiques frileuses qui ne la mèneront nulle part ou adopter l’attitude plus «progressiste» que Sarkozy tente d’incarner, à condition bien sûr qu’il arrête d’étaler sa vie privé en public.
Northlandnews: vous me faites rire ! comment pouvez vous croire ce que vous écrivez !!!
le pays qui s’enfonce constamment ! L’angleterre pays modèle ! Attitude plus progressiste que Sarkozy tente d’incarner !…ça c’est un discours libéral de droite.
vous auriez pu ajouter réformes , réformes , réformes !!!
Réformer quoi, pour nous retrouver dans l’état pitoyable des USA qui sont portés dans la main de la chine et des pays du golfe….pfoooouff.
Monsieur Northlandnews, le libéralisme va crever ! et j’en serai bien content.