Le onze septembre 2001…

Il ne se passe pas une journée sans qu’une nouvelle information tend à prouver la mascarade de la version officielle. Comment concevoir que Ben Laden et Al Qaïda sont les coupables au vu des mensonges, des vérités dissimulées, de cette volonté de bloquer une réelle enquête…Dernier camouflet en date.

Le soir du 11 septembre, un fourgon chargé d’une quantité énorme d’explosifs, est stoppé sur le Pont George Washington, ou le FBI a procédé à plusieurs arrestations…

Etrange coïncidence, ou apparement les explosifs circulent librement, de quoi discréditer les services « compétents » et de mettre en lumière les invraisemblances du rapport officiel. 

 Tout d’abord la vidéo :

{dailymotion}xasojz{/dailymotion}   La discussion originale s’établit et me laisse perplexe. Un fourgon chargé d’une quantité énorme d’explosif est stoppé le soir du onze septembre. De nombreux rapports font étalage d’une arrestation de deux ou trois personnes dans les environs proches du Pont George Washington. Encore une omission de la part du gouvernement Bush, certainement encore une fois dans l’embarras, et mettant en doute la version officielle…


Thank you. Again, our apologies to our viewers about five minutes ago, but we do have an established connection now with CNN’s Deborah Feverick. The reports we’re getting now, two or three men arrested on the New Jersey Parkway. Deborah, can you hear me now? 


 Yes, I can. That is the information that I am getting from two sources, that there was a van either on the New Jersey Turnpike or the Garden State Parkway, and that it was near the George Washington Bridge.  There were two or three men who were in the van that was pulled over. It is not clear why the van was pulled over, but when it was, law enforcers found tons of explosives inside of the van.  That is, right now, all I am hearing. But again, two to three people in custody, and we are trying to get more information on that right now.    HEMMER:

Deborah, I don’t mean to put you on the spot here. Do you know where on the Jersey Turnpike this was? How far from New York City?    FEVERICK:

We do not know that. We are looking into that. There is one report that it was on the New Jersey Turnpike. There is another report that it was very close to the bridge, if not on the bridge. So again, these details are emerging. We’re trying to piece them together. But that’s what we have so far, two to three people in custody, found with a van filled with explosives.   



Where are you tonight?    FEVERICK:

Right now we are at the police academy. There’s going to be a press briefing here. We just arrived down here. Just looking around here, they have called in a lot of recruits. Everybody is standing by. They are wearing police vests. They are being mobilized to do their duty throughout the city.  When I was on my way to the office, I can tell you that there was a police detail outside of the Empire State Building. There was also heavy security around the United Nations, and the streets of the city just very quiet right now. I saw a couple of people on cell phones. One woman was just crying. It’s become very clear that many, many people in this city either knew somebody who was in that World Trade Center or knew somebody who knew somebody who was there. So that’s the magnitude of this tragedy.   HEMMER:

And Deborah, quickly here, you’re waiting for a briefing, I gather based on your previous statement?   FEVERICK:

Yes, we are hoping to get some more details right now. I can tell you that every couple of minutes were hear sirens, and it’s either police cars or fire trucks. They’re the only cars truly that are on the streets.   HEMMER:

 All right, Deborah, I apologize for the interruption. New York’s mayor, Rudy Giuliani, now speaking again.

 A vous d’apprécier l’information et de vous poser les questions sur cette terrible journée.On ne peut accepter cette dissumulation de la VERITE, et nous attendons toujours que le Prix Nobel de la Paix entame une procédure pour enfin découvrir la supercherie. Mais la nous tombons dans l’utopie, car Monsieur Obama ne lévera pas le petit doigt, démontrant quelque part la continuité de la conspiration du SILENCE…

D’ailleurs bien loin de ses promesses, Obama envoie 13 000 hommes en Afghanistan, certainement pour célèbrer son Nobel… 

Le débat est ouvert.