News ? What news ?

Sad to watch but the national newspapers in France are dying slowly, the internet and the local medias are eating their shares fast, and a strike was never a good solution when at this time

France is a big country, quiet, calm and really nothing to write home about. No excitement and a blessed peace. Basically its quite a frustrating place for a journalist, as obviously there is no real news.

The local newspapers are much more popular then the national and the free Metro morning and evening newspapers provide all the relevant headlines and keeps you from falling asleep and miss your station.

But behind these the truth is that the national newspapers are collapsing. The Liberation is hardly breathing and will be closed down within few months, while most of the relevant journalists already fled from this sinking ship (thats sells less then 150,000 copies all over France !!) Le Monde and Le Figaro are struggling with a low distribution and financial problems and actually all the famous and proud French traditional journalism is collapsing.

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