Virgin Mobile is trying to increase their hold in the French cellular market But they are completely incompetence. If you had never considered joining the miserable service of Virgin Mobile then here is a reason why you did right. If you are considering it or already did, here is why you have to run away fast.
Its true that cellular companies never bothered to provide a normal customer service or technical support. But Virgin Mobile is the worst ever, it’s either total incompetency or deliberate horrible service. My story is even worse, for more then a month I am paying Virgin for something their either doesn’t have (and sold it anyway) or they simply have no idea how to provide it.
I joined virgin in May 2009, in the 24th of June Virgin released a new service and I upgraded my account. Officially I have 2 hours of voice communication SMS for 1 cent a message and the jewel in the crown Internet unlimited. For me this account is perfect as I am deaf and voice communication I use only in cases of emergency but data communication i need desperately.
In July 1st the account started rolling, in July 2nd I discovered that I lost half the voice communication I was allowed, which means that the “Unlimited Internet” is actually very limited and I am paying for it.
I went to Virgin store in Marseille to complain. The salesman Marko was horrified and immediately contacted the technical support for me (after all I cannot do this I am deaf). They said its a technical problem and they will solve it within few days.
Its been more then 5 weeks and tens of telephone calls (with the great help of Marko that unfortunately is only a salesman) and I still pay for my free Internet. Virgin is sending my problem between the department and nothing is done. I complained to virgin by e-mail and they keep telling me to be patient and how embarrassed they are. I refuse to pity them this issue is a single command in their billing program: “if account = x then Internet connection rate = 0”.
However I know that there are many accounts that work then its only required to check which of the parameters of the an account that works, is different then my account. And in the worst case they can close my account and re-open it without errors. Somehow Virgin Mobile refuse to do so.
As Virgin is an English company I tried to find a contact for my complain there. Nothing ! Yes they do ask me what my opinion about their new website (I am being asked to help them but there is no place for me to contact if i need their help !!) and of course there is a lot about Richard Branson but again no contact after all he is too busy with his public relation tricks and trips to make sure his own company will work properly.
What bothers me is that I know for sure that in the end I will be screwed, I cannot close the line as I have obligation for 12 months (I refuse to make it longer) and I cannot close the account without going to court.
As far as I know it is illegal to sell something you don’t have and it’s criminal to sell a product other then the one you purchased. Do you want to be tied in an agreement with such a company ? I don’t think so !
I do so agree with you. Personally I don’t do business with Virgin, but one of my friends just got screwed out of her discount. She had a 50% off for 3 months, but after those three months went by, she received a call from the company arguing that she owed to Virgin 70$ >:( ???!!!
You can try to contact them directly at : [url][email protected][/url]
Well anyways Good luck…
Oh sorry that’s the mail for US clients, but I don’t know the address for Virgin in France.
Interesting complain!
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
We have to be bilingual on C4N 😀
Congratulations for your english, which is perfect, Gosseyn 🙂
Ne lisant pas très bien l’anglais et ayant eu des problèmes en juillet avec Virgin Mobile, j’aurais voulu savoir s’il était possible au site de traduire l’article. Merci d’avance.
thank you everything62 that comes to compensate my bad French
I understand, amitm123
My english is not perfect, though
I’m in UK and I can tell I’ve just cancelled with Virgin Media (mobile-Internet-phone and TV).
a- they too often are out of service, sometimes for days
b- they invoice you and do not send the invoice(!), then cut the services coz you did not pay
c- they are not polite on the phone, and the Indian accent is sometimes a piece of a trouble to understand
d- they are more expandive than the other
Now I’ve Sky, BT, and Be2, all together are cheaper and of course they have same complaints (mainly Sky for the TV) however they have a better cutomer service than Virgin.
Virgin is just a name, Sir Richard the clown only give that name to sale it later with a profit. The bunch of artists managing the Virgin companies are only young ar**les trying to make a living with low salaries and great job position titles.
Une dernière fois: est-il possible de traduire en français articles et commentaires ? Nous ne sommes pas tous bilingue sur le site !!!
Héhé, je croyais qu’avec un BAC+5, on avait forcément un niveau minimal en Anglais ;D C’est une boutade, n’y voyez pas offense 😉
Voyez avec l’auteur de l’article pour la traduction.
Bonjour Siempre,
Vous pouvez toujours utiliser la traduction automatique de Google. Bon c’est vraiment très approximatif, mais au moins, il vous sera possible de tirer l’essentiel de l’article de Amitm123.
Voilà le lien :
Cordialement 🙂
Oh Gosseyn, cheap shot!!!
Mais non je blague :D, Siempre a certainement un bon sens de l’humour.
Cher Gosseyn
Bac +5, certes, mais vieux profs d’anglais pourris toute ma scolarité, anglais arrêté en Fac et études hispaniques: espagnol et un peu de brésilien. En plus, je n’ai jamais mis les pieds dans un pays anglophone et j’ai 54 ans: c’est loin tout ça!
J’ajoute que militante dans les mouvements anti-yankee, je rejetais l’anglais ! On est con quand on est jeune ! 😉
Bref, je ne saisis que l’idée générale d’un texte anglais !
Sans rancune, et je suis dotée d’humour, ça va !
Héhé Siempre, l’Espagnol ça rattrape ^^ Et puis, c’est la deuxième langue du monde, n’est-ce pas ?
Militante anti-Yankee ? ça ne s’invente pas ;D Vous pourriez nous faire un article là dessus, pour nous les jeunes qui ne connaissons pas ces mouvements 😉
Merci,Northlandnews , et en plus: quelle rigolade, les traductions Google !!!
Gossein, je ne sais pas si ma militance anti-yankee , les meetings France-Amérique Latine, les manifs contre Pinochet et le gouvernement US qui l’a installé au pouvoir intéressent beaucoup de monde. J’avoue également avoir fait partie de France/Cuba d’obédience très franchement communiste, avoir monté un Cercle Hispanique tendance gauchiste au lycée avec nos profs d’espagnol. Mais je ne regrette rien de tout cela!
Ma fille de 18 ans et ses copains n’ont pas les rêves que nous avions, l’avenir génère un gros stress , ils ont quasiment tous les chocottes d’être adultes et d’entrer dans le supérieur tellement l’avenir est sombre. Je partage secrètement leur inquiétude et je vous plains, les jeunes de l’an 2000 !
Mémé Siempre
Mémé Siempre,
J’adore les témoignages, alors parlez-en, vous aurez au moins un lecteur !
L’avenir est un vaste sujet, et l’inquiétude est le prix à payer pour être encore sur Terre ! Je vous souhaite que du bonheur, ainsi qu’à votre fille.
(Par contre je vais m’arrêter là pour ma part, je crois que l’on « pollue » un peu l’article…)
Toutes mes excuses à amitm, d’ailleurs… I apologize!
pardon Siempre
mon Français n’est pas assez pour écrire un tel article. Mais vous pouvez toujours le traduire utilisant des outils en ligne comme le Babel Fish
thank you ,amitm123 !!!