Figuring out the immigration policy.

When someone immigrate legally to a country he can gain all the papers in the world and he is called an immigrant. In France the immigration policy is totally unclear. An illegal immigrant is called "without papers" and they still let them wonder around despite the fact they are illegal, and Illegal means outlaw. 

France Immigration policy is so unclear that nobody can really figure out if its exist. 2 weeks ago a group of illegal immigrant landed in Corsica, and brought to France. They were detained and with a court order released to roam the country freely and eventually to disappear. In France illegal immigrant are not outlaws they are "Sans Papiers" maybe its politically correctness, but as a result they are not defined as illegal and therefore with the permission of the French court they can stay in France illegally. Once in awhile the French parliament enforce a new law to make it harder on new immigrants. law that obviously just make the legal ones life harder, as the illegal don’t have any paper and actually don’t need any paper, because sooner or later the government under the pressure of the left and human rights movement will legalize them. Once in a while they send back 2-3 people (like The poor 3 Afghans) to their country, in an extremely expensive operation. They even bribe illegal immigrant and pay them to leave the country, and they take the money go back home and…return to France. So if anyone can help me understand the French immigration policy it will be very helpful, because from my point of view, they succeed to make life harder only on the legal immigrants.