Et si je venais vous dire qu’un petit médecin, curieux de tout, qui ne supportait plus de voir ses patients mourir du cancer et s’étonnait dans le même temps d’en voir d’autres pour lesquels il régressait, s’était intéressé au phénomène, pour obtenir de surprenants résultats ?
Un peu d’histoire…
Le Docteur William Coley, un jour de 1890, vient de voir décéder à New-York une de ses patientes, emportée par un cancer des os. Sans doute était-il plus proche d’elle que de ses autres malades, en tout cas décida-t-il de se rendre plutôt qu’au New-York Cancer Hospital où il exerce, dans les locaux de l’université de Yale, mondialement réputée pour les archives sur nombre de maladies, conservées au sein de sa faculté de médecine.
Après quelques nuits d’insomnies passées à étudier des cas de "sarcomes" (même type de cancer que sa patiente décédée) et alors qu’il allait renoncer, il "tombe" sur le cas d’un homme dont le "sarcome" a tout bonnement disparu ! Cette guérison coïncidait avec la contraction d’une maladie infectieuse, quasiment disparue de nos jours, appelée l’érysipèle. Il s’agit en fait d’une maladie de peau qui n’est pas grave, due à un streptocoque, qui provoque en plus de plaques rouges, des poussées de fièvre.
En fouillant plus en avant, le Docteur William Coley s’aperçut que le cas de cet homme était loin d’être isolé.
D’ailleurs, certains de ses illustres prédécesseurs tels que Robert Koch, ou encore Louis Pasteur pour ne citer qu’eux, avaient eux aussi en leur temps, constaté des régressions de cancers, coïncidant avec la contraction de "l’érysipèle".
Il n’en fallut pas plus pour que ce médecin décide d’inoculer le streptocoque responsable de la maladie à un de ses patients qui souffrait d’un cancer avancé de la gorge.
Miracle ! Monsieur Zola (c’était son nom) vit son cancer régresser de façon spectaculaire et son état de santé s’améliora de telle manière, qu’il vécut huit ans et demi de plus !
Le Docteur Coley élabora dès lors une mixture composée de bactéries mortes, donc moins dangereuses, qui une fois administrée à des patients souffrant de cancers même métastasés, en provoquant de la fièvre, permettait à la maladie de régresser et de repousser parfois considérablement l’échéance de la mort.
On relate même le cas d’un jeune américain de 16 ans (John Ficken), qui fut carrément sauvé et qui pourtant souffrait d’une énorme et inquiétante tumeur abdominale.
Mais alors me direz-vous, qu’en est-il de nos jours de ce que l’on avait baptisé la "toxine de Coley" ? Eh bien le développement des machines à rayons radioactifs a tout simplement relégué cette technique pourtant prometteuse, au placard.
Le Docteur Coley, croyant là à une avancée scientifique majeure, s’équipa de 2 machines de radiothérapie et conclut rapidement que ces dernières étaient bien moins efficaces que l’emploi moins onéreux de surcroît de sa toxine.
Hélas, les intérêts financiers jouant, il ne fut pas écouté et sa méthode enterrée avec lui.
En 1999, une audacieuse équipe de scientifiques français a dépoussiéré les manuels d’études du Docteur Coley et Charlie Starnes, éminent chercheur chez Amgen a déclaré, je cite : "ce que Coley faisait pour les malades du sarcome à l’époque était plus efficace que ce que nous faisons pour ces mêmes malades aujourd’hui" et de rajouter que la toxine de Coley s’avérerait 38 % plus efficace que la plus moderne thérapie actuelle.
Une société américaine (MBVax) aurait repris des recherches sur le sujet et on annonce qu’entre 2007 et 2012, 70 patients ont bénéficié de la technique de Coley,
La très sérieuse revue scientifique Nature a assuré en 2013 dans un rapport, que les effets avaient été positifs et prometteurs.
Il faut savoir, que ces 70 patients étaient en phase terminale et volontaires pour tenter l’expérience.
Seul problème, car il y en a un et de taille, c’est que la construction d’une unité de production coûterait des millions de dollars et n’est donc pas prête de voir le jour.
De plus, les scientifiques américains à l’origine de la reprise discrète des travaux du Docteur Coley auraient déclaré, je cite : "ce qui était possible en 1890 dans le cabinet d’un simple médecin new-yorkais passionné par sa mission, est aujourd’hui devenu quasi-impossible dans notre monde hyper-technologique et hyper étouffé par les réglementations".
(Sources Science et vie, et sites internet divers)
Bonsoir Dyonisos.
Ah,le cancer,voilà une maladie qui continue a progresser et faire son bonhomme de chemin.Le progrès face au cancer est infime de nos jours.J’ai vu mon arrière grand père atteint du cancer ,il y a ( 50 ans environs et 50 ans après ) un de mes cousins est décédé de la même saloperie !!!
Puis leur saloperie de chimio a un fric fou,çà vous tue a petite dose ,de plus ces grands savants,les spécialistes du cancer,je me marre,changent souvent les molécules,enfin pas les toubibs eux mêmes mais ces putains de labos (tiroir caisse,bref) ,le cancer profite a bien des fumistes !!!
Les soins palliatifs ,fumisterie,j’ai assisté mon beau frère jusqu’à la fin,soi disant que morphine et autres opiacés ;la personne part plus en douceur,CONNERIE !!!
Nous restons impuissant face a ces situations dégueulasses !
Mais l’éthique,la médecine ,le serment d’hypocrite,pardon d’Hippocrate font que l’on doit faire confiance en ce système médicale qui n’avance pas du tout dans ce domaine !!!
Bon,ras le bol,il y a trop de fraiche a ce faire avec le cancer,faut pas se leurrer !!!
Bye et bonne soirée.
c’est vrai HUMANISTE que c’est une maladie qui fait peur !
avoir un bout d’ estomac dégénéré qui pousse dans l’os,
bououh !
« Use of Coley toxins is an early form of immunotherapy, a method of treatment in which a person receives substances designed to boost the immune system and help the body fight off diseases such as cancer. The use of Coley toxins as a cancer treatment involves injecting killed bacterial cultures (Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens) directly into the tumor or bloodstream. »
« There does not appear to be any active clinical research at this time into the use of the original Coley toxin formula. [b]At least one pharmaceutical company is studying the use of pieces of DNA that may have contributed to the effectiveness of Coley toxins…. Dr. Coley’s earlier reports noted greatest success with [u]sarcomas and lymphomas[/u], and he eventually stopped treating patients with [u]carcinomas[/u]. Reasons for the discrepancy between the older results and this more recent study are not clear. « [/b]
[b]M[/b]odified [b]C[/b]itrus [b]P[/b]ectin Reduces Galectin-3
Expression and Disease Severity in Experimental
Acute Kidney Injury.
Pre-clinical studies indicated that MCP helped reduce the spread of prostate,[5] colon,[6] breast,[7] liver,[8] and skin[9] cancer. Scientists believe that MCP works by inhibiting two key processes involved in cancer progression: angiogenesis and metastasis….it suggests that MCP may have a role in reducing the growth and spread of cancer, and has great potential because secondary metastatic cancers are often more threatening to patients than the original tumor.
Pommes, rhubarbe et autres…..
Apple Pectin, Cancer
A new study confirms yet one more reason why it pays to eat your fruits and vegetables. Turns out the gelatinous substance pectin, which naturally occurs in all fruits and vegetables, protects against cancer.
Studies last year confirmed that pectin does, in fact, actively work in combating cancer. A research team at the University of Georgia found that pectin destroyed up to 40 percent of prostate cancer cells upon exposure, while other studies revealed that pectin helps in fighting lung and colon cancers. And in fact, apple pectin was used after Chernobyl to extract radioactive waste from victims. Other benefits of natural pectin include protecting against hypertension, gallstones, cholesterol damage, ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and diabetes damage.
…hyper étouffé par les réglementations »…. et les lobbies, en particulier pharmaceutiques mais aussi de fabricants d’appareils à rayons « bric à brac » qui tuent tout sur leur passage, les bonnes comme les mauvaises cellules sans discrimination !
Bravo Dyonisos pour nous avoir déniché cette news, qui concoure à la diffusion de progrès non orthodoxes en attendant qu’ils le deviennent.
Je profite au passage pour saluer [b]Humaniste[/b] qui n’a pas la plume dans sa poche comme toujours et décrit la stricte vérité du charlatanisme médical…
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
« Nous avons découvert qu’une petite protéine
appelée galectine-3 attaque la MUC1 et brise
son bouclier protecteur, de larges zones de
la cellule cancéreuse se trouvant ainsi exposées .
Les zones exposées de la cellule permettent
au cancer de s’accrocher aux parois des
vaisseaux sanguins. Les cellules cancéreuses
percent finalement ces parois pour développer
des tumeurs dans des sites secondaires. Notre
étude montre que la galectine-3 joue
probablement un rôle important et peut avoir
des implications significatives pour le
développement futur d’une thérapie contre
les cancers » » »
Dr Lu-Gang Yu – université de Liverpool .
Selon le Dr Yu, la fixation des cellules
cancéreuses aux parois des vaisseaux sanguins
est une des étapes clés dans la propagation
du cancer. Toutefois, le rôle de la galectine-3
dans ce processus reste à l’heure actuelle
un mystère.
Dr Lu-Gang Yu
Tumour cell metastatic spread to distant organs is the main reason for cancer-associated mortality. Development of effective therapeutic agents to prevent tumour cell spread could significantly reduce cancer-associated mortality. Galectin-3 is a galactoside-binding protein whose concentration is markedly increased in the bloodstream of cancer patients. Recent research in our laboratories has revealed that the increased circulation of galectin-3 in cancer patients plays an important role in tumour cell metastatic spread. Galectin-3 binds to the oncofetal TF (Galβ1,3GalNAcα-) antigen carried by cancer cells on the transmembrane protein MUC1, causing MUC1 cell surface polarization and exposing the underlying adhesion molecules. This results in increased adhesion of circulating tumour cells to the blood vascular endothelium and increased cancer cell aggregation to form tumour micro-emboli in the circulation. Circulating galectin-3 is also shown to promote metastasis by interaction with vascular endothelium causing increased endothelial release of metastasis-promoting cytokines that enhance the endothelial cell activities in tumour angiogenesis and metastasis. Inhibition of the actions of circulating galectin-3 therefore holds therapeutic promise for preventing metastasis.
the interaction of galectin-3 with a specific class of compounds on galectin-3-mediated cell activity in metastasis. the molecular interactions of these compounds with galectin-3 at atomic level is studied using modern structural biology techniques including isothermal titration calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance and protein crystallization.
Dr. Lu-Gang Yu /
[email protected] –
Department of Gastroenterology, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GE, UK
une molécule, baptisée BHP, extraite de la
réglisse stopperait rapidement la croissance
du cancer de la prostate et du sein en
désactivant une protéine qui « nourrit »
les cellules cancéreuses. D’autres recherches
confirment la propriété de la réglisse dans
le déclenchement de l’apoptose, c’est-à-dire
le suicide des cellules cancéreuses.
Toutes ces découvertes ne font que confirmer
ce que les Chinois savent depuis plusieurs
centaines d’années :
la racine de réglisse entre dans de nombreuses
préparations anticancéreuses chinoises.
As a traditional medicine or dietary supplement,
berberine has shown some activity against fungal
Berberine is considered antibiotic.
Berberine has drawn extensive attention towards
its [b]antineoplastic effects[/b].It seems to
suppress the growth of a wide variety of tumor
cells, including breast cancer, leukemia,
melanoma,[66] epidermoid carcinoma, hepatoma,
pancreatic cancer, oral carcinoma, tongue
carcinoma, glioblastoma, prostate carcinoma
and gastric carcinoma.
Animal studies have shown that berberine can
suppress chemical-induced carcinogenesis,
clastogenesis, tumor promotion, tumor invasion,
prostate cancer, neuroblastoma, and leukemia.
It is a radiosensitizer of tumor cells, but
not of normal cells. How berberine mediates
these effects is not fully understood, but
its ability to inhibit angiogenesis and to
modulate Mcl-1, Bcl-xL, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2,
MDR, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- and IL-6,
iNOS, IL-12, intercellular adhesion molecule-1
and ELAM-1 expression, MCP-1 and CINC-1,
cyclin D1,[84] activator protein (AP-1), HIF-1,
PPAR-, and topoisomerase II has been shown.
By using yeast mutants, berberine was found
to bind and inhibit stress-induced mitogen-
activated protein kinase kinase activation.
[b]Because apoptotic, carcinogenic, and
inflammatory effects[/b] and various gene
products (such as TNF-α, IL-6, COX-2, adhesion
molecules, cyclin D1, and MDR) modulated by
berberine are regulated by the transcription
factor nuclear factor- B (NF- B), it is
postulated this pathway plays a major role
in the action of berberine.
[b]Berberine suppressed NF-κB activation induced
by various inflammatory agents and carcinogens.[/b]
This alkaloid also suppressed constitutive
NF-κB activation found in certain tumor cells.
[b]It seems to protect against side effects of
radiation therapy in lung cancer[/b]. However,
new studies suggest that while berberine
decreases cell growth, it increases the side
opulation (stem cell) fraction of H460 lung
cancer cells.
[b]Berberine, 300 mg three times a day orally,
also seems to inhibit complication of abdominal
or pelvic radiation, called radiation-induced
acute intestinal symptoms.[/b] The studies
Suggest its use in clinical development may
be more as a cytostatic agent than a cytotoxic
– Les anthocyanes sont des pigments naturels
des feuilles, des pétales et des fruits,
situés dans les vacuoles des cellules végétales.
Ce sont des polyphénols faisant partis de
la classe des flavonoïdes
Wang L, Kuo C, Cho S, Seguin C, Siddiqui J, Stoner K, et al.
Black raspberry-derived anthocyanins demethylate tumor suppressor
genes through the inhibition of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in colon cancer cells.
Nutrition and cancer. 2013; 65(1): 118-25.
La berberine a été étudiée en ce qui concerne
son activité anti-neoplasique
(les liens ci-dessous du commentaire précédent ne fonctionnent pas)
D. Strack, T. Vogt, W. Schliemann,
„Recent advances in betalain research“, Phytochemistry,
vol. 62, 2003, pp. 247-269
Escribano, M. A. Pedreño, F. García-Carmona
et R. Muñoz,
» Characterization of the antiradical activity
of betalains from Beta vulgaris L. roots « ,
Phytochem. Anal., vol. 9, 1998, p. 124–127
Les bétalaïnes sont présentes dans la plupart
des familles de plantes appartenant à l’ordre
des Caryophyllales.
L’exemple le plus connu de ces plantes est la
[b]betterave rouge[/b]
Recent studies have shown that betanines have
antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiviral activity
CR.19 : Effect of Betanine and Lycopene (tomate)
on Overexpressed AKT1 and silence Pten in Drosophila
Jake Mathew Goldstein
Pascack Hills High School
The goal of this experiment was to test whether or not Betanine, Lycopene, or a combination of both would inhibit the increased cell division caused by overexpression of AKT1 and silenced Pten genes. The knowledge gained from this experiment could contribute to the treatment of cancer in humans. If Betanine or Lycopene can counteract the effect of overexpressed AKT1 or silenced Pten in Drosophila, and Drosophila with overexpressed AKT1 or silenced Pten are compared to Drosophila with overexpressed AKT1or silence Pten given Betanine or Lycopene or both, then the Drosophila given Betanine, Lycopene or both will have decreased wings, less expansion of the wing blade, and decreased thickness compared to non treated flies. Pten is a tumor suppressor gene that normally inhibits cell proliferation. When mutated, Pten does not work and the brake on cell division is lost. AKT1 is a proto-oncogene. AKT1 turns on cell division. When AKT1 is mutated it goes into overdrive causing cell division to spin out of control causing cancer. Silenced Pten flies were created by RNAi using the Gal 4-UAS system and overexpressed AKT1 flies were created using the Gal4-UAS system. The resulting flies were treated with Betanine, or Lycopene or a combination of both and compared to wild type flies and flies overexpressing AKT1 without treatment or flies with silenced Pten without treatment. Wing size, wing thickness, and wing blade size were measured and compared. Decrease in wing size, wing thickness, and wing blade [b]indicate a decrease in cell division[/b]. The data is currently being collected and analyzed.
[b]Potential Health Benefits of Rhubarb[/b]
Rhubarb may have benefits of cutting cancer risks.
Reseachers from National University of Singapore
studied the toxicological and anti-neoplastic
potentials of the main anthraquinones from Rhubarb,
Rheum palmatum. [1]
It is interesting to note that although the
chemical structures of various anthraquinones
in this plant are similar, their bioactivities
are rather different. The most abundant
anthraquinone of rhubarb, emodin, was capable
of inhibiting cellular proliferation, induction
of apoptosis, and prevention of metastasis.
These capabilities seem to act through tyrosine
kinases, phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3K),
protein kinase C (PKC), NF-kappa B (NF-kappaB),
and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
signaling cascades. [b]Aloe-emodin is another major
component in rhubarb to have anti-tumor properties.
Its anti-proliferative property is related to
p53 and its downstream p21 pathway. [1][/b]
A recent study suggests that the molecular
targets of these two anthraquinones are
different, though both potentiate the anti-
proliferation of various chemotherapeutic agents.
Rhein [b]another major rhubarb anthraquinone
effectively inhibited the uptake of glucose
in tumor cells[/b], caused changes in
membrane-associated functions and led to
cell death in the study. [1]
A study has shown that rhubarb help patients
with gastric cancer to recover after operations.
Patients in the study group were fed with
rhubarb before operation, and at 1 day and 2
days after operation.
Rhubarb positively modulated the acute inflammatory
response, promoted the recovery of postoperative
gastrointestinal motility, and benefited enteral
nutrition support in patients who have undergone
major operations for gastric cancer. [3]
[1] Huang Q, et al, Anti-cancer properties of
anthraquinones from Rhubarb. Med Res Rev. 2006
Oct 4.
[2] Moon MK,et al, Vasodilatory and anti-
inflammatory effects of the aqueous extract of
rhubarb via a NO-cGMP pathway.Life Sci. 2006
Feb 28;78(14):1550-7. Epub 2005 Nov 2.
[3] Cai J, et al, Effects of perioperative
administration of Rhubarb on acute inflammatory
response in patients with gastric cancer.
Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2005 May;3(3):195-8.
un nouveau lien: La meilleure manière de découvrir un cancer de la prostate n’est pas un examen médical
Budesonide, a [b]glucocorticoid[/b], was proven to be a highly effective agent in preventing the development of lung tumors in A/J mice.
Our results indicate that the chemopreventive effects of budesonide in the mouse lung tumorigenesis assay involved increase and decrease expression of a wide variety of genes in multiple signaling pathways.
des bienfaits de l’huile de lin !!!
Tumoricidal and Anti-Angiogenic Actions of
Gamma-Linolenic Acid and Its Derivatives.
U.N. Das, UND Life Sciences, USA.
Le lin – Bienfaits potentiels pour la santé
Composants des Bienfaits potentiels pour la santé
graines de lin Graines entières ou broyées
Réduction du cholestérol total et du cholestérol‐LDL
de la réponse glycémique post‐prandiale
de l’inflammation et du risque de cancer
de la glycémie
du risque de coronaropathie, d’accident vasculaire cérébral et de cancer
de l’hypertrophie de la prostate
du cancer (cancers du sein, du côlon et du poumon, leucémie)
des risques liés aux maladies cardiovasculaires, aux maladies
inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin, à la polyarthrite rhumatoïde et au diabète.
de la cholestérolémie et des concentrations de biomarqueurs inflammatoires
Maîtrise de la néphropathie lupique (insuffisance rénale)
Effet antitumorigène sur certains cancers
Effets hypocholestérolémiants
Régularisation de la fonction intestinale : Le lin contient environ 28 % de fibres alimentaires, lesquelles se composent de 60 % à 80 % de fibres insolubles et de 20 % à 40 % de Lignanes (SDG) Acide alpha-linolénique (ALA) Fibres alimentaires Fibres solubles (mucilage) Fibres insolubles .
Les chercheurs continuent de mettre l’accent sur les composants
distincts du lin afin de découvrir et de confirmer leurs bienfaits pour la
santé et leur mécanisme d’action.
Gamma linolenic acid is a fatty substance found in various plant seed oils such as borage oil and evening primrose oil. People use it as medicine.
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is used for conditions that affect the skin including systemic sclerosis, psoriasis, and eczema. It is also used for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), polyps in the mouth, high cholesterol and other blood fats, heart disease, metabolic syndrome (Syndrome-X), diabetic nerve pain, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, depression after childbirth, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and hay fever (allergic rhinitis). Some people use it to prevent cancer and to help breast cancer patients respond faster to treatment with the drug tamoxifen.
Heterocarpine, a plant-derived protein with anti-cancer properties.
Abstract: The invention relates to a plant-derived protein with anti-cancer properties which binds the human growth hormone-releasing hormone (hGHRH). Said protein, which is obtained from the Pilocarpus Heterophyllus plant, is particularly adapted for preparing a medicament that is intended for the treatment of cancers for which growth is dependant on the GHRH growth factor and, in particular, for preparing a medicament that is intended for the treatment of cancers including small cell lung cancer and breast cancer. …
la COLCHICINE peut être indiquée dans le traitement de cancers (pour ses propriétés antimitotiques).
– Anti-cancer mechanisms of clinically acceptable colchicine concentrations on hepatocellular carcinoma.
Zu-Yau Lin , Chun-Chieh Wu, Yen-Hwang Chuang, Wan-Long Chuang,
– Colchicine delays the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis virus-related liver cirrhosis
The results suggest that treatment with colchicine prevents and delays the development of HCC in patients with hepatitis virus-related cirrhosis. The protective mechanisms of colchicine over the development of HCC could be related to antiinflammatory properties and inhibition of mitosis. Prospective studies to confirm this observation with a greater number of patients and long-term follow-up may be indicated. Cancer 2006. © 2006 American Cancer Society.
Oscar Arrieta MD1, Jose Luis Rodriguez-Diaz MD1, Vanessa Rosas-Camargo MD1, Daniela Morales-Espinosa MD1, Sergio Ponce de Leon MD3, David Kershenobich MD2,4 and Eucario Leon-Rodriguez MD5
Ils sont proches de la famille de la berberine,
citée plus bas dans les commentaires:
The main secondary metabolites of C majus
are alkaloids (more than 20) such as benzo
phenanthridines, both quaternary (chelerythrine,
sanguinarine) and tertiary alkaloids
(chelidonine), protopine and its derivatives
(allocryptopine), and protoberberines
([b]berberine[/b], coptisine) (Barnes et al).
Washington, Dec 11 (ANI): Finding the Achilles’
heel of cancer, researchers at Tel Aviv
University have discovered that a drug,
which was never approved for preventing the
death of nerve cells after a stroke, could
efficiently kill cancer cells while keeping
normal cells healthy and intact.
Malka Cohen-Armon found that the stroke
drug – a member of a family of phenanthridine
derivatives developed by an American drug
company – worked to kill cancer in mice which
had been implanted with human breast cancer
Le poivron est bon pour la mémoire. Il contient
une substance la lutéoline, une flavone qui
agit en activant des circuits neuronaux
impliqués dans l’apprentissage.
Le poivron est aussi une source d’anticancer :
les capsiates sont des substances chimiques
dans le poivron qui peuvent provoquer la mort
des cellules tumorales et ainsi permettre
d’éviter le développement des tumeurs cancéreuses.
Les capsiates sont très proches des capsinoïdes
contenues dans le piment et elles ont le même
Capsiate is a white or pale yellow crystal
powder extracted from dry capsicum. Its main
components are capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin,
and other alkaloids, such as nordihydrocapsaicin,
homodihydrocapsaicin etc.
Capsiate shows anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory
and anti-cancer activities, holding considerable
potential for dietary health benefit and
pharmaceutical development.
» A Non-pungent capsaicinoids from sweet popper
synthesis and evaluation of the chemopreventive
and anticancer potential « ,
Macho, Eur. J Nutr., vol. 42, no 1, 2003 mois=1,
p. 2-9.
[b]We present important biological attributes
of capsaicin, a compound that can be enriched
by dietary modification and daily consumption,
that may prove to be essential to the
prevention of cancer[/b] :
AACR American Association for Cancer Research
Les aliments de la famille des liliacées
(ail, oignon, échalote mais aussi poireaux
et ciboulette) auraient des propriétés
anti-cancers grâce à leur forte teneur en
composés organo-soufrés et en flavonoïdes.
Une étude chinoise (partiellement confirmée
par l’étude européenne EPIC) a même montré
que le risque de cancer serait diminué de
60% chez les gros mangeurs d’oignons et
La AHQR (Agency for Health Research Quality),
agence américaine de référence, a montré
l’impact positif de la consommation d’ail
sur les cancers suivants :
[b]côlon, prostate, œsophage, larynx, cavité
buccale et ovaires.[/b]
une synthèse statistique internationale
évalue comme une « évidence » que la
consommation régulière d’une gousse d’ail
par jour réduirait de moitié le risque de
cancer de l’estomac, du colon et du rectum.
L’enzyme alliinase, qui produirait ces effets,
nécessite d’attendre 15 minutes après avoir
écrasé de l’ail cru, avant sa consommation.
Les cancers de la tête, du cou, du poumon,
du sein et de la prostate seraient aussi
disulfure de diallyle:
un antihypertenseur,
un agent anti-cancéreux (antinéoplasique et
un antibiotique naturel contre certaines
bactéries pathogènes
(chimiquement aussi: une brique moléculaire
du caoutchouc vulcanisé !!!!!)
Eur J Cancer Prev. 2004 Aug;13(4):319-26.
[b]Olives and olive oil in cancer prevention.[/b]
Owen RW1, Haubner R, Würtele G, Hull E, Spiegelhalder B, Bartsch H.
Epidemiologic studies conducted in the latter part of the twentieth century demonstrate fairly conclusively that the people of the Mediterranean basin enjoy a healthy lifestyle with decreased incidence of degenerative diseases. The data show that populations within Europe that consume the so-called ‘Mediterranean diet’ have lower incidences of major illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Studies have suggested that the health-conferring benefits of the Mediterranean diet are due mainly to a high consumption of fibre, fish, fruits and vegetables. More recent research has focused on other important factors such as olives and olive oil. Obviously fibre (especially wholegrain-derived products), fruits and vegetables supply an important source of dietary antioxidants. What is the contribution from olives and olive oil? Apparently the potential is extremely high but epidemiologic studies rarely investigate consumption of these very important products in-depth, perhaps due to a lack of exact information on the types and amounts of antioxidants present. Recent studies have shown that olives and olive oil contain antioxidants in abundance. Olives (especially those that have not been subjected to the Spanish brining process) contain up to 16 g/kg typified by acteosides, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and phenyl propionic acids. Olive oil, especially extra virgin, contains smaller amounts of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, but also contains secoiridoids and lignans in abundance. Both olives and olive oil contain substantial amounts of other compounds deemed to be anticancer agents (e.g. squalene and terpenoids) as well as the peroxidation-resistant lipid oleic acid. It seems probable that olive and olive oil consumption in southern Europe represents an important contribution to the beneficial effects on health of the Mediterranean diet.
Lycorine, the Main [b]Phenanthridine[/b]
Amaryllidaceae Alkaloid, Exhibits Significant
Anti-Tumor Activity in Cancer Cells that
Display Resistance to Proapoptotic Stimuli:
an Investigation of Structure-Activity
Relationship and Mechanistic Insight.
J Med Chem. Oct 22, 2009; 52(20): 6244–6256.
La LYCORINE, une molécule proche de celle de
la berbérine
Lycorine hydrochloride selectively inhibits
human ovarian cancer cell proliferation and
tumor neovascularization with very low toxicity
Zhifei Cao1, Di Yu1, Shilong Fu1, Gaochuan Zhang,
Yanyan Pan, Meimei Bao, Jian Tu, Bingxue Shang,
Pengda Guo, Ping Yang, Quansheng Zhou
A new University of Georgia study finds that
[b]pectin[/b], a type of fiber found in fruits
and vegetables and used in making jams and
other foods, kills prostate cancer cells.
Une nouvelle étude de l’université de Georgie
a révélé que la pectine, un type de fibre qui
se trouve dans les fruits et les légumes et
utilisée pour faire des confitures peut tuer
les cellulles cancéreuses de la prostate.
The study, published in the August issue of
the journal Glycobiology, found that exposing
prostate cancer cells to pectin under laboratory
conditions reduced the number of cells by
up to 40 percent. UGA Cancer Center researcher
found that the cells literally self-destructed
in a process known as apoptosis.
Pectin even killed cells that aren’t sensitive
to hormone therapy and therefore are difficult
to treat with current medications.
“What this paper shows is that if you take
human prostate cancer cells and add pectin,
you can induce programmed cell death,” said
Mohnen, a professor of biochemistry and
molecular biology. “If you do the same with
non-cancerous cells, cell death doesn’t occur.”
Cancer studies using rats and cell cultures
Have found that pectin can reduce metastasis
and prevent lung and colon tumors.
In her lab at UGA’s Complex Carbohydrate
Research Center, Mohnen and her team analyzed
three different types of commercially available
pectin and found large differences in anti-
cancer activity. They found that treatment
under mild base conditions decreased the anti-
cancer properties of pectin while heat treatment
significantly increased anti-cancer activity.
The research was funded by the Georgia Cancer
Coalition-Georgia Department of Human Resources,
the University of Georgia-Medical College of
Georgia Joint Intramural Grants Program and
the federal Department of Energy.
Plusieurs études ont démontré que la
consommation d’agrumes, dont le pamplemousse,
serait reliée à la prévention de certains
types de cancers3,comme le cancer de l’oesophage,
Le cancer de l’estomac, le cancer du côlon,
de la bouche et du pharynx. Selon l’une de
ces études, une consommation modérée d’agrumes
(soit de 1 à 4 portions par semaine) permettrait
de réduire les risques de cancers touchant le
tube digestif et à la partie supérieure du
système respiratoire.
– Steinmetz KA, Potter JD. Vegetables, fruit,
and cancer prevention: a review. J Am Diet
Assoc 1996 October;96(10):1027-39.
– Chainani-Wu N. Diet and oral, pharyngeal,
and esophageal cancer. Nutr Cancer 2002;44(2):104-26.
– Harmon AW, Patel YM. Naringenin inhibits
glucose uptake in MCF-7 breast cancer cells:
a mechanism for impaired cellular proliferation
Breast Cancer Res Treat 2004 May;85(2):103-10.
– So FV, Guthrie N, et al.Inhibition of human
breast cancer cell proliferation and delay of
mammary tumorigenesis by flavonoids and citrus
juices. Nutr Cancer 1996;26(2):167-81.
– Guthrie N, Carroll KK. Inhibition of mammary
cancer by citrus flavonoids. Adv Exp Med Biol
– Le Marchand L, Murphy SP, et al.Intake of
flavonoids and lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst
2000 January 19;92(2):154-60.
Merci [b]Veritas[/b] pour toutes ces précisions, mais il est reconnu que nombre de fruits et légumes constituent une prévention efficace contre les maladies et même effectivement les cancers…
Certaines plantes également sont extraordinaires, mais on a tendance à mettre au pilori les herboristes, les faire passer pour des charlatans et leur préférer des pharmaciens, de connivence avec les laboratoires pharmaceutiques qui nous empoisonnent à petit feu, ou encore nous soignent d’un côté pour nous détraquer de l’autre…
Le profit et rien que le profit [b]Veritas[/b] peu importe la santé réelle des patients…
The effectiveness of annonaceous acetogenins
against multidrug -resistant tumor cells,
and, the bioactivity-directed fractionation
of the unripe fruit of Persea americana.
Université Purdue:
(pour ceux qui veulent aller plus loin …
il y en a !!!)
le cycle pentagonal THF (Tetra hydrofurane)
porté par d’autre derives comme la pipérine
(poivre) ou la berberine
Annonaceous acetogenins as antineoplastic
leads from the leaves of Rollinia mucosa:
New methods for the structural characterization
of annonaceous acetogenins
Guoen Shi, Purdue University
« The objective of this project has been to
find the active principles in the medicinal
plant, Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill., a
tropical Annonaceous fruit tree that has
been used for the primitive medical treatment
of tumors in the West Indies and Indonesia.
The phytochemistry of the Annonaceae suggested
that acetogenins were likely to be the most
important anticancer agents behind this
folklore. Indeed, the brine shrimp lethality
test (BST), in activity-directed investigation
of the leaves of R. mucosa, revealed a total
of twenty structurally diverse bioactive
Annonaceous acetogenins (1-20), of which fifteen
(1, 2, 4, 7, 10-20) were new to the literature
and five (3, 5, 6, 8, 9) were known but were
isolated from this species for the first time.
New subclasses of acetogenins which bear
tetrahydropyran (THP) as well as tetrahydrofuran
(THF) and hydroxylated THF rings were discovered.
^ All of the new compounds have been tested
for their in vitro antitumor activities in
a panel of six human solid tumor cell lines,
and some of them showed ED$sb{50}$ values
that are not only potent but are selective as
well ».
COLEY !!!!! :
[b]Acivicin[/b] is an inhibitor of gamma-glutamyl
[b]It is fermented product of Streptomyces
sviceus and has promise as an antineoplastic
agent [/b].
It interferes with glutamate metabolism and
inhibits glutamate dependent synthesis of
enzymes, and is thereby potentially helpful
in treatment of solid tumors.
[b]6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON)[/b] is a
glutamine antagonist, which was isolated
originally from Streptomyces in a sample
of Peruvian soil. It is a non-standard
amino acid. The diazo compound was
characterized in 1956 by Henry W Dion et al.,
who suggested a possible use in cancer
This antitumoral efficacy was confirmed
in different animal models.
DON was tested as chemotherapeutic agent in
different clinical studies, but was never
approved. The last clinical results were
published in 2008, though not as DON
monotherapy but in combination with a
recombinant glutaminase.
A team of researchers at Duke University
Medical Center and the Université catholique
de Louvain (UCL) has found that lactic acid
is an important energy source for tumor cells.
In further experiments, they discovered a
new way to destroy the most hard-to-kill,
dangerous tumor cells by preventing them
from delivering lactic acid.
Adjuvant chemoprevention of experimental
cancer: catechin and dietary turmeric
in forestomach and oral cancer models:
Catechin and dietary turmeric (Curcuma
longa) were used as chemopreventive agents
in benzo[a]pyrene induced forestomach
tumors in Swiss mice and methyl-(acetoxy
methyl)-nitrosamine induced oral mucosal
tumors in Syrian golden hamsters.
Catechin in drinking water and dietary
turmeric significantly inhibited the
tumor burden and tumor incidence in both
tumor models. The induction of oral tumors
in golden hamsters was delayed by catechin a
nd dietary turmeric. Adjuvant chemoprevention
utilising both catechin and dietary turmeric
inhibited both the gross tumor yield and
burden more effectively than when compared
to individual components in both tumor models.
A single i.p. injection of catechin to male
Swiss mice induced increased forestomach
and hepatic glutathione S-transferase (GST)
activity when compared to controls.
These findings suggest that catechin and
turmeric which are regularly consumed natural
products, are effective in mice or golden
hamsters as chemopreventive agents.
M.A. Azuine,
S.V. Bhideb
Pycnogenol, this natural extract from
the bark of the French maritime pine
tree has some of the most powerful
antioxidant flavonoids ever discovered,
making it a source of free-radical
protection for collagen structures in
the blood vessels, skin, and joint
Activity of monomeric, dimeric, and
trimeric flavonoids on NO production,
TNF-α secretion, and NF-κB-dependent
gene expression in RAW 264.7 macrophages.
Young Chul Park,
Gerald Rimbach,
Claude Saliou,
Giuseppe Valacchi and
Lester Packer,
FEBS Letters, 14 January 2000, Volume 465,
Issues 2–3, Pages 93–97,
Colorectal cancer (bowel cancer) is the
third most commonly diagnosed cancer
in the world. Surgery is the primary
curative treatment for those with early
stage disease.
However, a number of patients relapse
after primary surgery, presumably due
to cancer cells that have spread
undetected to other parts of the body.
[b]In general, once colorectal cancer has
spread it is no longer curable[/b].
Hence, adjuvant treatments are given
around the time of surgery to eliminate
any remnant cells to improve a patient’s
chance of cure.
Histamine type 2 receptor antagonist
drugs (H2RAs) were originally developed
as a treatment for peptic ulcers.
[b]However, anecdotal reports surfaced of
tumour shrinkage with the use of these
drugs.[/b] This launched a number of
trials to see if these medications could
be used to improve a patient’s chance
of cure following surgery for colorectal
« Histamine type 2 receptor antagonists as
adjuvant treatment for resected colorectal
cancer »
Sanjeev Deva1,
Michael Jameson
Editorial Group:
Cochrane Colorectal Cancer Group
Published Online: 15 AUG 2012
over expression of HDC then increases
the amount of cellular histamine, which
can lead to pro-proliferative effects .
Inhibition of HDC in rodent tumor samples
has resulted in antitumor responses.
(comme la pipérine ! tu piges 007 ?!!!)
[b]Tritoqualine[/b], also known as hypostamine,
is an inhibitor of the enzyme histidine
decarboxylase (HDC) and therefore an
atypical antihistamine, used for the
treatment of urticaria and allergic
rhinitis with no known adverse effects.
Chemopreventive efficacy of curcumin
and piperine has been shown during
hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.
Manoharan S, Balakrishnan S, Menon V,
et al.
Singapore Med J. 2009 Feb;50(2):139-46.
remararquez la proximité chimique de l’architecture des 2 molécules :
[u]Berbérine [/u](voir commentaire dans la liste)
[b]Pro-apoptotic[/b] activity of α-bisabolol
in preclinical models of primary human
acute [b]leukemia cells[/b].
Elisabetta Cavalieri, Antonella Rigo,
Massimiliano Bonifacio, Alessandra
Carcereri de Prati, Emanuele Guardalben,
Christian Bergamini, Romana Fato,
Giovanni Pizzolo, Hisanori Suzuki and
Fabrizio Vinante.
([email protected])
Author Affiliations :
Department of Sciences of Life and
Reproduction, Section of Biochemistry,
University of Verona, Italy.
Department of Medicine, Section of
Hematology, University of Verona, Italy
Department of Biochemistry « G. Moruzzi »,
University of Bologna, Italy
Journal of Translational Medicine 2011, 9:45
[u][b]Our study provides the first evidence
that α-bisabolol is a pro-apoptotic
agent for primary human acute leukemia cells.[/b][/u]
Tritoqualine, also known as hypostamine,
is an inhibitor of the enzyme histidine
decarboxylase and therefore an atypical
antihistamine, used for the treatment
of urticaria and allergic rhinitis
with no known adverse effects.
An Old Antihistamine for Cystic Fibrosis
Tritoqualine (inhibostamine, hypostamine),
a synthetic oral antihistamine that
inhibits histidine decarboxylase but
is an histamine H4 receptor agonist,
has once been reported to show efficacy
in liver cirrhosis models
(Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi 1986; 87(3):
291-300, ). In WO/2013/164204
(Orphan Synergy Europe [FR]; Nov. 7, 2013)
the inventors show that the compound
also inhibits release of interleukin-8,
a potent proinflammatory activator for
neutrophils that is an important in the
pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis.
Surprisingly, modulation of IL- 8 release
is independent of the initial stimulus.
This is important because CF frequently
starts with a perinatal lung infection.
– Three weeks later, another French patent
application – WO/2013/175116
(Individual [FR]; Nov. 28, 2013) claiming
tritoqualine as an H4 agonist for CF was
published; it focuses on the treatment
of the respiratory damage caused by the
thickened sputum and the reduction and
[b]prevention of bronchial superinfections[/b]
. – Some antihistamines come with safety
warnings for possible drying or thickening
of lower airway secretions.
Mildred S. Seelig, M.D., M.P.H.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Nutrition,
School of Public Health, North Carolina
Effects of Magnesium on Cancer Risk
A study appearing in a 2008 issue of
the « Carcinogenesis » journal reports
that increasing dietary magnesium may
reduce lung cancer risk by 17 to 53
percent. Additional findings include
the fact that DNA repair capacity (DRC)
is lower in people with low magnesium i
ntake and that lung cancer risk is
highest when low dietary magnesium and
impaired DRC occur together.
Attention au calcium !:
Some studies have found that a high
calcium intake, was linked with a
higher risk for prostate cancer.
University Medical Center, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Me voilà confus, de n’être pas venu remercier [b]Veritas, Veritas, Veritas, Veritas[/b] et [b]Veritas[/b] pour leurs judicieux commentaires !
Mille mercis à eux cinq ! 🙂
PS : Sans omettre de remercier également [b]Veritas[/b], pour sa participation active !
Service, Dyonisos !!!
Service pour le bien de tous,
face à cette horrible maladie !
C’est bien ainsi que je l’entendais Ami [b]Veritas[/b]…
Même si je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher d’orienter mon remerciement, sur la pente de l’humour…
Amitiés et merci de l’intérêt que vous portez à mes articles.
[b]Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and
Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases[/b]
1 Ian F. Robey, Brenda K. Baggett,
Nathaniel D. Kirkpatrick, Denise J. Roe,
Natarajan Raghunand,
2 Julie Dosescu, Bonnie F. Sloane,
3 Arig Ibrahim Hashim, David L. Morse,
Robert A. Gatenby, Robert J. Gillies
1 ArizonaCancerCenter,UniversityofArizona,Tucson,Arizona;
2 DepartmentofPharmacology,WayneStateUniversity,Detroit,Michigan;
3 H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, Flori
[b] »The above data have shown that oral
bicarbonate therapy significantly reduced
he incidence of metastases in experimental
models of breast and prostate cancer and
that the effect seems to be primarily on
distal(i.e., colonization),ratherthan
proximal(i.e., intravasation), processes »
Histamine restricts cancer ?
Brian Ruffell & Lisa M Coussens
Nature Medicine 17, 33–44 (2011)
07 January 2011
La propolis des abeilles contre le
cancer de la prostate :
Dans une étude publiée dans Cancer
Prevention Research, les scientifiques
se sont surtout focalisés sur l’un des
composés de cette propolis, appelé
phénéthylester d’acide caféique (CAPE).
Cette molécule était plus ou moins connue
pour posséder des propriétés antimitogène
et anticancérigène.
Les scientifiques ont remarqué que la
protéine 70S6 kinase et la voie de
signalisation Akt étaient inhibées.
Or, toutes deux jouent un rôle fondamental
auprès des cellules tumorales, leur
indiquant en temps normal la présence
de ressources pour croître et se multiplier.
En bloquant leur activité, le CAPE donne
donc l’illusion aux cellules cancéreuses
qu’elles n’ont plus de ressources.
Par ailleurs, l’acide caféique, au même
titre que la vitamine E hydrosoluble,
est capable de protéger les cellules
contre les dommages provoqués par les
radicaux libres.
United States Patent Application
20100010002 Kind Code: A1
Acide caffeique :
Inhibe la xanthine-oxydase et l’aldose-
Potentialités hépatoprotectrices
Anti-infectieux, antifongique
Antiviral vis-à-vis des Herpes virus
et Adenovirus
Un de ses dérivés, l’ester phényléthylique
de l’acide caféique (ou CAPE, caffeic
acid phenethyl ester) lui procure des
effets antitumoraux et anti-VIH
tous ceux qui, comme moi, ont au taux
d’acide urique un peu élevé, peuvent
prendre de l’acide cafeique :
25 mg/jour .
(l’acide urique est la forme ultra-oxydée
de l’hypoxanthine .Il est le sous produit
de l’ion super-oxyde. c’est un déchet des
tissus vivants).
l’acide cafeique est un anti-oxydant.